Physical Rehabilitation:
Getting injured stinks! Having constant headaches are horrible. Not being able to
play with your children or give them baths due to back pain is unacceptable. Waking
up after a short night's sleep (real world) shouldn't be greeted with pain. And
to make things worse, you are no longer able to put in your Yoga tape and stretch
away the pain, and that calls for some serious corrective measures.
At Fusion Chiropractic spa, you will receive chiropractic adjustments and massage
therapy to help your muscles recover from the injury, and to allow your alignment
to be better suited for strengthening exercises in the future. Honestly, we see
patients that decided to exercise too early in their injury stage while accompanied
by over-stretching. This doesn't give the muscle a chance to heal, increases scar
tissue, and decreases overall range of motion. So in the long run, if we try to
take care of our injuries on our own, we end up doing more harm than good to our
bodies, and it increases our recovery time and pain. When your condition allows,
exercises and stretches are performed in our therapy bay with exercise balls and
thera-bands (rubber stretch bands). We will tailor specific exercises that your
body will respond to favorably. We will increase your range of motion, strengthen
your joints, and make sure scar tissue (a by-product of muscle injury) does not
take over. In addition to the injured joint, we also concentrate on increasing the
range of motion and strengthening the supporting tissues surrounding the injured
site. We are only as strong as our weakest link, so paying attention to this detail
will help ensure another injury like this does not happen again.