Did you know that 80 percent of what we feel as
adults came from the minor and sometimes major injuries we sustained from childhood?

We can usually trace that major
accident back to when we fell out of the tree on our shoulder or that time we rode
our bicycle into a parked car (you can insert pretty much any major accident here),
and then 20 years later say, "Why does my arm/back/ankle hurt so much? You don't
suppose it was from that accident back in 1987 do you?" You think that sounds silly,
but scar tissue builds up over time and it doesn't matter how old or how young the
individual is. If we injure ourselves, our body will do all it can to get out of
pain and NOT worry about the problem. Unless we actually SEE the injury and the
extent, we usually tell our kiddos to be strong, and shake it off (we do this all
the time). However, what if they continue to hurt from that fall down the few steps,
or bump on their head from falling backwards?
Rule of thumb, if your kiddo is complaining of pain longer than
a couple of days (2-3 days not 2-3 weeks), get them in to see us for an evaluation.
If you see them go through a mini-trauma (falling off the bed, jumping off the curb
and doing a faceplant?etc), get them in here for an evaluation and a quick musculoskeletal
check-up. There is no cost, and if there is something going on, we will let you
know what needs to be done. Mom and Dad, we have an office devoted to ensuring you
and your child get the best care possible. There are many gentle ways we can approach
correction of an injury, and we will find the best way possible for you and your
kiddos. Technology has advanced quite a bit, and if you fear for your little one's
tiny little bones, we understand. We have a 3 year old and a 16 month old, and the
last thing we want to see is someone "adjusting" their spine or arms/legs without
really knowing what's going on. We assure you that your comfort levels are extremely
important to all of us here at Fusion.
With over six years of treating kiddos with ADHD, autism, earaches, allergies, asthma,
elbow pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, torticollis, neck pain, back pain, and a slew
of sports-related injuries, our results have been phenomenal. Ever know an athlete
that pulls a hamstring one season, and then pulls it again, and again? Same thing
goes with a sprained ankle, or sore shoulder, or...etc. This list is endless because
we see it all the time. What are we doing to our children when they're 25 and still
complaining of back pain, headaches, allergies, shoulder pain, and hip pain that
they had when they were 8 but never got it properly checked & corrected?
The consultation is free. Our desire is to make sure that the entire family experiences
the best health possible. Our kids deserve the best chances for a healthy adulthood,
and it all starts now!